WatchGuard elevates your wireless experience through Wi-Fi 6 access points, centralized management, and intelligent reporting.
Simplified and Secure Wireless Experiences
WatchGuard Wi-Fi 6 Access Points
Future-proof networks of all shapes and sizes with Wi-Fi in WatchGuard Cloud. From home offices to expansive corporate campuses, WatchGuard has Wi-Fi 6 technology with secure WPA3 encryption access points for you.
Simplified Cloud Management
Wi-Fi management and network configuration in WatchGuard Cloud delivers secure wireless experiences that are easy to manage. Policy management, zero-touch deployment, captive portals, VPN configuration, and upgrades are only a click away. With rich integration into our portfolio of products, such as WatchGuard Endpoint Security, AuthPoint, and Firebox, managing diverse wireless needs is effortless.
Build Wireless Networks of All Types
Wi-Fi is essential to stay connected, work, play, and manage IoT devices. WatchGuard's Wi-Fi 6 access points deliver exceptional performance with an easy way to benefit from the security across many use cases such as remote work, retail experiences, and expansive campuses.
Technology Partner Ecosystem
Integrations with other companies' products help to secure Wi-Fi environments, reach new customers, and build brand loyalty.
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