Are employees undermining your security with weak and shared passwords?
While employees generally aim to maintain security, it's important to acknowledge the challenges posed by the increasing number of online accounts. Approximately 3-6% of employees use weak passwords and share them across multiple accounts. This insecure password behavior leads to leaked passwords, exploited in 81% of global cyberattacks. Moreover, businesses with fewer than 1,000 employees are targeted in 61% of these attacks.
To avoid becoming a victim, you need additional proof of identity, this is made possible with WatchGuard’s AuthPoint service. AuthPoint delivers MFA safeguards on an easy-to-use Cloud platform for powerful security with low total cost of ownership. AuthPoint enables:
Effective MFA Protection with Mobile Device DNA
AuthPoint provides 3 ways to authenticate, and our mobile device DNA matches the authorized users’ phone for an additional identification factor.Easy to Use AuthPoint Mobile App
Users can authenticate right from their own phone! No need to carry keyfobs or thumb drives; instead install and activate the AuthPoint mobile app in seconds.Broad Coverage with Web SSO
AuthPoint supports the SAML standard and our ecosystem includes dozens of 3rd party integrations – enabling you to require authentication before accessing sensitive Cloud applications, web services, VPNs and networks.A Cloud-based Service
AuthPoint runs on the WatchGuard Cloud platform and is available from wherever you are. There is no need to install software, schedule upgrades or manage patches.
Click here to watch a short video and learn more about how AuthPoint can protect your business
3. Verizon’s 2017 Data Breach Investigations Report
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